Our average wisdom of the heart is, we know if its not working right we may suffer a heart attack. That there are 4 rooms in the heart, and that there is a entire string of veins and arteries We don't really know that much besides that fact, that if we cut an artery we could easily bleed to death. Another fact that is pretty common to us, is we know that if we have a great deal of fat in our blood, then cholesterol has something to do with it, and its not good for us. That may be what we know of the circulatory system.But if you stop and think, that's is quite an a sum of knowledge.
If we had just a a couple more details to our knowledge it may make many us to consider about how it actually involves our entire bodies, and that by acknowledging what it needs, and why it requires certain items, we will be all the more likely to check it gets it.
At times to thoroughly project something it helps to paint a an image. So allow me do something the same to that here ,and hand you something that is simple to picture.
Picture a two lane highway. One is going North the other Southward. At the beginning of the highway going south is a big constructing plant (the heart). In this industrial plant are four rooms (four chambers of the heart) that from each one make a material, for the last merchandise that this company makes(the enriched oxygen filled blood cells). This good merchandise is pumped out into containers (arteries). These containers are instantly sent away from the plant (heart) down the main road (the blood flow) to several shops on the way(body organs that require the enriched cells.)
Now in the other direction coming down the North expressway is containers (veins) arriving back toward the plant. These containers are delivering waste stuffs (blood that requires to be re oxygenated) These are dropped off at the industrial plant (heart) where it will be refurbished(re oxygenated) and then placed out once again in the good containers (arteries).
This operation takes place again and again ceaselessly. This scenerio is only showed this way as a visualisation, to merely help you know how the circulatory system works.
If we required to, we could carry on with this visualization as to what occurs in the four rooms (chambers of the heart) in order to get the good merchandise ready.
Hopefully this has given you a little more understanding of how the system works and the grandness of it . For example going back to our visual image, if one item were to fail then it would have a direct impact on all the other steps. This is exactly would happen in our bodies.
About the Author:
Dr James Ross is the founder of HumanAnatomyCourse. Forget the anatomy physiology books
you've bought. Discover the ultimate anatomy online course. Comes with an online paramedic course
as well.