The first thing you should learn about is how to avoid the major scams that target people who want to work from home. The basic rule to follow here is that if it's "too good to be true", then it's probably, quite simply, too good to be true. Work at home jobs are not easy jobs that are going to make you rich quick so if you're finding a lot of work at home jobs that are advertised as such, you're looking in the wrong places.
Okay, but you're smart enough to know that. So where should you look to avoid the scams? Your best bet is to put in the time necessary to look locally as well as to look at a broader geographical region but with an eye towards your particular skill set niche. In other words, you don't just want to type "work at home jobs" into a search engine and see what comes up because these jobs aren't going to be specific to your area or to your skills.
Figure out what skills you can offer to an employer who will allow you to work from home. As offsite jobs and freelancing become increasingly popular, many employers are happy to work with you in this way. So, determine what it is that you can do from home, create a resume that reflects that and begin the job search just like you would fro an on-site job. Look at your local classified jobs listings for positions which apply to you ad keep your eye out for telecommute options. If you find a job that sounds good for you but doesn't say whether or not telecommuting is okay; remember that it doesn't hurt to ask.
As you determine what your freelancing niche is, you can also look outside of your geographic region to job websites which offer the kind of work that you're seeking to do. For example, if you are a freelance writer specializing in crafting resumes, you can begin looking at the various different bid sites and job boards that are available for finding a work at home job that falls into this specific category. By narrowing down your search, you put yourself at less risk for being taking advantage of by online scams. As long as you approach the job search with a cautious eye (but a positive attitude!), you should find that finding a work at home job isn't as daunting of a task as it may seem at first sight.
Find Your Scam Free Work at Home Job