Another claim they have is that because the hoodia enters your bloodstream directly, without having to work it's way through your stomach, the patch will start having an effect much quicker compared to pills or liquid products.
On the surface, this makes total sense but unfortunately there is no scientific evidence to back this theory. There isn't one scientific or clinical study to date on the effectiveness of hoodia patches. In fact, there are very little studies on the effectiveness of hoodia gordonii itself!
What about the nicotine patch or the birth control patch, you may ask? They work after all, so the hoodia patch must be effective. Sellers of hoodia patches will try to make this comparison but don't fall for it. There is a big difference between these products.
Birth control patches require a prescription. Nicotine patches initially required a prescription and only recently have been over the counter. The hoodia patch has never required a prescription. Why is this distinction so important?
Any product that requires, or used to require a prescription, has to pass a number of regulations and government criteria to ensure that it is effective and safe for the general public to use. Hoodia patches have never needed to meet these requirements.
Hoodia gordonii is a cactus like plant which has been grown and harvested in the Kalahari Desert in South Africa by the San tribe for centuries. They use the hoodia plant in order to control their hunger while out on long hunting expeditions.
The tribe would cut a section of the plant, peel it, and then eat it. This would be enough to stop their appetite for many hours. Now, in your opinion which method most closely matches eating the actual plant? Taking a hoodia capsule which contains the ground up plant, or sticking a patch to your skin? I'm sure you will see that the capsule is the much more effective method of getting hoodia into your body.
So I believe that all the hoodia patches out there are a waste of time, which may make you think that hoodia supplement capsules are the best way forward. This is not true! In fact most studies show that the majority of hoodia products available today are fakes which contain little to no hoodia gordonii. There are only a few hoodia diet pills which do contain genuine hoodia gordonii.
While there are no hoodia patches that work, in my opinion, I would highly recommend that you spend your money on the established and reliable hoodia gordonii diet pills which have been proven to work effectively.
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