In the USA alone today, around 21 million people now suffer from some form of diabetes and of these around 90 to 95% of them suffer from Type 2. Many people who suffer from Type 2 diabetes are looking for more natural ways of being able to treat their condition. The reason why so many people are now preferring to use diabetes Type 2 natural treatments over more conventional ones is that they are much safer.
Below we take a look at some of the types of natural treatments that are now readily available and which are being used in order to treat Type 2 diabetes.
1. Ginseng - Is extremely popular and has been used for centuries in treating different health problems including diabetes. In studies carried out in the USA they found that Panax Quinquefolius (North American Ginseng) has proved to be the most effective form of this plant in treating Type 2 diabetes. It is able to help control both blood sugar and glycosylated hemogobin levels because of the properties that it contains.
2. Chromium - Is an essential trace mineral found in the body, which plays a role in helping the body's cells to respond to the insulin that has been produced properly. It also helps in controlling a person's carbohydrate and fat metabolism as well. However it is important to note that Chromium Picolinate should be avoided as this can cause unwanted side effects in a person.
3. Magnesium - Yet another mineral that the human body needs to function properly and which helps to control the production of insulin. The best sources of foods from which magnesium can be obtained is nuts such as pecans and walnuts, along with green leafy vegetables and whole grain foods as well. Another way of ensuring that your body is getting sufficient amounts of magnesium is by taking a supplement.
It is important however that you should stick to the recommended daily dosage of this mineral otherwise it could cause other health issues in you. The main ones when too much magnesium is consumed are nausea, diarrhoea, low blood pressure and a loss of appetite.
4. Cinnamon - Another effective natural treatment for Type 2 diabetes that also tastes great as well. Studies have been carried out on this spice, which have shown that it again contains properties, which are effective at helping to control a person's blood glucose levels.
5. Zinc - Another mineral which is essential to the human body and which not only helps in the production of insulin but in the way in which it is stored within the body. The best way of getting zinc is through eating such foods as pecan nuts and walnuts, split peas, egg yolks as well as ginger root, beef liver and almonds.
Along with the above-mentioned diabetes Type 2 natural treatments there are plenty of others which are considered to be effective. But what is important that if you wish to consider using any kind of natural treatment for your condition you need to discuss the matter with your doctor first.
About the Author:
About the author: Marcus Clarkson has been writing articles about diabetes type 2 natural treatment
for a long time and regularly publishes fresh content to his website which provides diabetic information