Cellulite is the term for the unsightly dimpled skin that usually occurs on the back of women's thighs and buttocks. The risk of developing the condition increases with age and most women will experience it in their 30's. In fact, over 90% of women will have cellulite at some point in their lifetimes. There is no magic cure for cellulite but there are some steps you can take to reduce its appearance or the risk of developing the condition in the first place.
The most common reason for the development of cellulite is excess fat. The fat layer just underneath the skin is where cellulite forms and if you are carrying excess weight this fat will begin to become lumpy as more is added to the layer. Studies have indicated that women will put on 15 pounds of fat each decade. This is why it is important to keep your weight under control at all times by eating a healthy diet and drinking plenty of water.
You should combine your diet changes with an exercise routine. The idea is to burn the fat off and develop muscle to replace the fat. To do this you need to combine both weights and cardio focusing on those areas which is affected by cellulite.
The cardiovascular component of your program can include things such as stair climbing, walking or cycling. In fact, any exercise that gets your hear rate going, breathing and burning the fat off will do the trick.
When choosing a muscle building exercise you should choose one that focuses on the problem area. So, for example, if your problem area is your thighs then you should select an exercise like lunges, leg press or squats as these will tone the area around the cellulite and help increase the muscle. Make sure you exercise these muscles intensively.
To prevent injuries and muscle soreness, you should warm up and down properly and do some stretching at the end of the workout. This is important but not necessarily done by many people at the gym.
A quick and simple way to reduce the appearance of cellulite is to get a spray on tan. Making the skin dark will reduce the appearance of the dimples. However, don't get a tan from the sun or tanning bed as the UV rays can do harmful things to skin that will actually increase the cellulite.
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The author has more information on a easy cellulite treatment
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