Michigan Blue Cross and Blue Shield has been trying to get the state's lawmakers to pass legislation that will let up a little on health insurance companies. They have been publicly advertising this, as well.
The law would take away the powers of the state to challenge any premium increases that BCBS of Michigan, a non-profit organization, wants to implement.
BCBS of Michigan argues that if the law isn't put in place, they will be in financial jeopardy. The state's largest health insurer projects they'll lose $264 million in 2009, reported the Chicago Tribune.
With only one month remaining in the Michigan state legislative session, BCBS is failing to persuade anyone.
Mike Cox, state Attorney General, thinks that it is not a correct action to push a law through swiftly. He doesn't seem to believe that there is anything that cannot be avoided here.
Even if there is a problem ahead, argues Cox, it can wait until next year's legislative session. "There's no reason this can't be done in February or March or April, and done the right way," said Cox. It doesn't look like BCBS is going to get it's way, regardless of the validity of their concerns.