Acne afflicts mostly teenage boys, but some girls and women often experience acne flare-up during the menstrual cycle or ovulation period. There is no cure for acne, but treatments can improve the condition. On a visit to a dermatologist, he or she will look for acne comedones, pustules, nodules and cysts on the face, chest, back, upper arms and shoulders. A doctor can usually make the diagnosis of acne based on a simple physical examination. Normally, questions on diet, cosmetic use and family history are noted by the doctor.
You have to consult your doctor if you or your teenager has acne that is not controlled with over-the-counter washes or gels. You should remember that the amount of acne may not be a true gauge of the impact of the problem on a child's life. For some young people, small amounts of acne can be terribly embarrassing and bring psychologically painful to them. It is advisable to talk these things out with your teenager. Be patient with him if your child feels that this is not a problem. You should not force the child to go into acne treatment.
Some Solutions to Get Rid of Acne
Unfortunately, acne cannot be "prevented" and the tendency to develop acne is inherited. However it is a normal part of maturing hormonally that develops in most people. The effects of acne can be minimized by careful cleanliness.
The treatment of acne is usually designed to prevent formation of new lesions and aid the healing of old ones. Your doctor may suggest the following ways to treat your acne.
- Salicyclic acid washes which use to wash and help in "empty" the comedones.
- Benzoyl peroxide gels - these medications are applied to the skin as a thin film. They dry and peel the skin, fight the growth of bacteria and help clear blocked follicles. Although some are available in weaker over-the-counter lotions, your doctor may prescribe a stronger and more effective gel form.
- Tretinoin (Retin-A) that applied to the skin as a cream, solution or gel form can helps to clear the skin of plugged follicles by increasing the turnover of skin cells. Tretinoin should be used with a sunscreen as it also increases the skin's sensitivity to sunlight.
- Antibiotics like clindamycin and erythromycin can be applied directly to the skin to reduce the growth of acne-causing bacteria.
Although the results vary and may not be seen for weeks or months, acne always can be controlled with medication. For instance, most topical medicines which treatments applied directly to the skin work within 4-8 weeks. Retin-A also may show peak results within 3-6 months.
About the Author:
David Lam, who has studies various medical studies and manage to get rid of acne naturally, has share his experience through website where you can get Free Report and Useful Information about Adult Acne
and Acne Treatment