Life is a lot different from the imaginary, fabricated on that we see in Hollywood. It always seem that men are able to confidently approach women, and without a need to search for the right pick up line. But why would this create a problem? With the fabricated script lines that are created for them, and the women who are paid to respond accordingly, there really should be no problem.
But in reality, many men are not confident enough and do not know the first thing about how to meet women and how to attract women. The scene is very familiar. You are at a bar and notice a really attractive woman. Twenty minutes have passed and you are still thinking of a way to approach her, talk to her and impress her. Twenty minutes have passed and when you look over her way again, there she is with a man, a sleek guy who looks confident and seems to be an expert on how to pick up girls. This is the alpha male and he is what you want to become.
If you think the solution to your problems is to figure out the best pick up lines, then you're going to continue on your path of troubles. Not too frequently will you find a female who will fall for the corny pick up line. In fact it's very likely that she's heard that very same many times in the past. She may have even read that line somewhere on the Internet.
The key to approaching a woman is confidence. Stop racking your brain for things to say when you approach a woman. Be confident about yourself, your looks, your skills, and your own person. Come across as a guy who is out to have some relaxed fun and is not needy or desperate to pick up women. Show her your attraction not by saying that she looks like an angel who just fell from the sky. Tell her she's beautiful as relaxed or as matter-of-factly as possible. Don't say it like it's the line that will get you your next girlfriend. Say it as an honest compliment to a lady.
One important thing when picking up a woman is how to keep yourself different from the ordinary 'trying to take her home' scheme. Let's face it - women aren't stupid, and they'll be able to see right through you. Conversely, you must stay focused on ensuring keeping her interest, and more importantly stay interested in her's. Perhaps she has friends with her, which is an excellent opportunity to strike a conversation on how they met. Keep a well-balanced conversation by talking about both your interests and her's. The key is to send such a message that she realizes that you're not the typical guy, but rather a gentleman who is out to have a good time, and to get to know a truly interesting person - and not for what most other guys are after.
At the end of the night, the woman will end up totally interested in you and in spending more time with you. The alpha male in you makes you the best pickup line you can ever use.
About the Author:
Bruce Min is a former-pickup artist who has found MORE success with women by discovering a new method to picking up women
. Bruce Min teaches the importance of creating your OWN style to have success with women at