By Ike Lowe
Many pet owners believe that Veterinarians are thoroughly qualified to dispense nutritional advice. Most believe their nutritional training, without question, is second to none. We have been brainwashed to the point of not even considering the possibility that our Vets may not be as nutritionally trained as we might believe.
Some cat owners assume that the commercial pet food industry cares about our cats and we never consider another possibility. They produce ads that tell us their foods are good for our cats. They tell us that if we follow their advice, our pets would realize the same beneficial results as the pets in their commercials.
Unsuspecting pet owners believe what they hear and buy the advertised pet food. Some commercial pet food companies even place a premium price on their products to convince pet owners their product is superior in quality.
That's what we've been told now let me tell you the truth
Little training to Vets is administered in Vet schools and that training is often given by persons that are loyal to the pet food companies. The commercial pet food companies donate money, equipment, banners and free food to Veterinarian schools. What a great long-term business plan - it's buying loyalty and it puts money in the pockets of commercial pet food companies and the Veterinarians.
If the Veterinarians never question what they've been taught and chooses not to do any independent research, they will continue their loyalty to the pet food industry until they retire.
Our domestic cats' diet should closely resemble the diets of the wild cats that roam the African and asian continents. Commercial pet food companies make these unproveable claims that their foods are nutritional, wholesome, 100% natural and complete. The truth is that their foods violate the fact that cats are carnivores and should never eat stuff they call food.
Cats are obligate carnivores. Their physiology is not designed to digest most of the ingredients that most pet food companies put in their foods. The grains and other carbohydrates will cause illnesses in cats. They should be avoided.
Preservatives like; Ethoxyquin, BHA and BHT have been liked to cancer and other health-related problems. Consumer complaints have flooded the Food and Drug Administration regarding illnesses suffered by their pets when fed food containing these preservatives by the FDA has chosen not to act.
In the final analysis, I've shared with you information that many Veterinarians are ill-equipped to provide nutritional advise for your cat or dog. Moreover, many Vets are bought and paid for by the pet food industry and their main objective is to make money.
Many Vets are in direct violation of the oath and creed they're sworn to uphold - "First do no harm." They sell, in their offices, foods that are harmful to your pet.
It's incumbent on you to learn what foods are beneficial for your cat(s). You need to take control of their diets thereby ensuring that they are getting wholesome foods that are beneficial to them.
About the Author:
Author: Ike Lowe is the formost authority on cat nutrition. In his must read book, he unveils the cloak of secrecy perpetrated, on an unsuspecting public, by the commercial Veterinarian industry and finally reveals the toxic ingredients contained therein. Get all the life saving facts now.