There are many kinds of Mexican cookies, some of which are specifically for parties, celebrations, and others, which make a special treat at any time. There are Mexican wheat cookies, Mexican sugar cookies, Mexican painted cookies, and many more mouthwatering varieties. These cookies are all sweet and tasty and they literally melt in the mouth.
What are Mexican Wedding Cookies?
These are Mexican traditional cookies, made from shortbread. Mexican wedding cookies are very popular and they often feature groundnuts such as almonds, pecans, and walnuts. These cookies are served at Christmas, weddings, and anniversaries. Sweden and Russia also enjoy these cookies, calling them teacakes. Why not find a Mexican wedding cookie recipe and make your own, the next time there is a special event?
Mexican Biscochitos Cookies
Biscochitos are also popular throughout Mexico. They originated in Spain. The Spanish brought these cookies to Mexico. Biscochitos are made from aniseeds and are sprinkled with cinnamon. The exact ingredients in a biscochitos recipe do vary, depending on the baker. Some have wine or orange juice for extra flavor. These delicious Mexican cookies are cut into diamond shapes using a cookie cutter and they are often served as an accompaniment to wine.
What are Mexican Marranitos, Cochinos, or Puerquitos?
These cookies are also known as cochinos or puerquitos. They are also called "gingerbread pigs" in some places although ginger is not an ingredient. Marranitos are shaped like pigs. Traditionally, this cookie got its spicy taste from molasses. Mexican bakers place brown sugar in cones to make molasses. They boil it with water until it turns into syrup.
When it has turned into syrup, the molasses is added to the dough to make the marranitos. These Mexican cookies are rich in taste, moist and have a flaky top.
Churros Mexican Traditional Cookies
Originating from Spain, Churros are tasty fried cookies that are seen in both Mexico and other countries. It is made from a light paste that is sweetened. The paste is piped into oil and fried until golden brown. Cinnamon is added to make it taste even sweeter. Churros are best when eaten warm. It is typical to find street vendors selling Churros. They can make them fresh right on the street.
Years ago, it used to be hard to find Churros outside of Hispanic areas, it used to be only sold at carnivals, and sporting events, but with the popularity of Latin food, it is now easy to find Churros in local restaurants and Mexican grocery stores. Some companies even offer the Churros that have an inner filling. You can find different flavors such as strawberry, apple, and chocolate. Churros are enjoyed in the United States by consumers of all nationalities.
So, now you know there are various types of Mexican cookie recipes. You might like to find a churros recipe or other Mexican cookie recipe and make your own Mexican sweet treats. Once you realize how good they taste, you will want to make them for your whole family to enjoy!
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Mexican dessert recipes
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