A number of plants exist that help reduce the symptoms of menopause
For instance...soy is a great example of a source with healthy plant estrogens. Soy has been recommended for female health for years as a means to stabilize and maintain hormonal harmony as well as promote breast health and female reproductive health. In fact, there are many.
Black Cohosh
Among the herbs that grant relief from menopausl symptoms...Black Cohosh is no dount the most well known. As a matter of fact many doctors recommend it to their patients.
Black Cohosh has been studied mostly in Germany, where it is used to treat hot flashes. It has also been shown effective in treating hot flashes...which is one of the chief uses for it in Germany.
Black Cohosh is among the herbs that has proven itself to women to be very effective for the problems and symptoms of menopause.
Dong Quai
In traditional Chinese medicine the herb Dong Quai is employed as a tonic for the reproductive system of the female --
Dong Quai is employed by natural healers as a powerful tool to increase blood flow, and thus assist in relieving hot flashes and lubricating the vagina...
Dong Quai also boast properties that can ease menopausal rheumatism. It is plentiful in magnesium a mineral which can help to deepen sleep troubled by night sweats.
Dong Quai has shown itself adequate to many women, alleviating and reducing the symptoms of menopause. It also functions as a general tonic for the female reproductive system.
Red Clover
Red clover has shown its ability to reduce many of the symptoms of menopause. As a result of its estrogenic effects it also appears to help prevent osteoporosis.
Wild Yam can be discovered in many sorts of progesterone creams. With Wild Yam, ladies experience less and less intense hot flashes, the number one complaint among menopausal ladies.
Wild Yam extract is a particularly helpful herb for females and works synergistically with progesterone.
Phytoestrogenic herbs (like Black Cohosh) are filled with phytoestrogens, which are a lot like estrogens They can increase low estrogen levels by replacing some of the missing estrogen hormones.
Phytoestrogens are estrogens that are in some foods. These are of two varieties--lignans and isoflavones.
Phytoestrogen herbs are those that contain estrogenic properties that helps produce estrogen in a lady's body like Black Cohosh and Dong Quai. There also are other useful herbs that may be used, particularly when properly mixed that may produce great relief to the sufferers of menopause.
About the Author:
Keith M Henry is the Director of phase 3 ministries
, located in beautiful Orlando FL. He is herbalist, and Naturopathic doctor candidate. Make sure you take a look at this excellentProgesterone Creme