There is no denying the fact that the belief in past life, or reincarnation, is prevalent across the board in almost every religion, from Christianity to Hinduism to Buddhism to Kabalah. And the interest of humans in knowing as much as possible about their past lives is also quite widespread. But how many of us are interested in knowing about our past lives in order to make a positive change in our present lives?
Past Life Regression is appealing to many people because they like the idea of learning who they were and what happened in their past lives. They do not realize that they can use this knowledge to change their present and future lives for the better.
Research has shown that Past Life Regression yields good results in the treatment of emotional problems. There is no doubt that you can make a positive change in your life by remembering your past life and the bad experiences you had in that time period..
Normally you would go to a professional on Past Life Regression for a hypnosis session, but you can do this through self-hypnosis also. You can also find more tools online to help if you wish to do this.
For example, regular affirmation sessions ensure it is acceptable to your subconscious mind to remember the events of your past lives.
There are some things you need to understand before you decide to use Past Life Regression.
We all hold the memory of our past lives somewhere deep inside our subconscious minds. It is indeed a part of our everyday life. The memories are there, and with a little encouragement, you can remember these events from the past.
Just the knowledge of your past life will not help you have a better life. You must know how to put this information to use in order to benefit from it in your daily life.
You will need to learn from the mistakes you made in your previous life and refrain from making them again. This is how you will use the knowledge of your past life to live a better life in the present.
Some people however, for various reasons find it impossible to believe in reincarnation. However Past Life Regression can be of immense help in either changing your life for good or helping in avoidance of commission of big mistakes in present life even if you think that all the events you remember are merely the results of a fertile imagination.
According to experts going through Past Life Regression is necessary to improve your life for these two reasons:
a) If you benefit from the lessons of such events by applying them to the present life, then these were indeed, the past life experiences.
b) Even if you think these events are pure figments of your imagination, the cathartic release you may get from experiencing such thoughts may free-up your mind of something that is blocking your health, success, and creativity.
What are all the other benefits of using past life Regression?
1) It helps in healing the past emotional traumas that are wrecking havoc in our present lives.
2) We can think more clearly and make better decisions due to this experience.
3) Learning from the mistakes committed in the past prevents the repetition of those mistakes in the present life. For instance, you may have acted cruelly against someone in your past life. This knowledge will help you avoid the same behavior in your present life.
4) It helps in bringing to the fore the hidden talents and skills. There are certain talents you had in the past life that remain obscure in the unconscious mind of the present life. The acknowledgment and bringing out of such talents could change your life for good forever.
5) Many questions you have about yourself will be answered. You will no longer be as confused about why you deal with life the way you do.
Try it and see what it can do for you, you have nothing to lose. It just may be the key you need to change your life in a way that you have always dreamed of.
About the Author:
James A Simmeon is a writer for the
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