Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Gestures And Other Things To Attract Women

By Bruce Min

Well we've all made mistakes at some points on dates in the past that we'd do anything to take back. Looking back is a useless thing to do, as it's in the past, and over with. The process of how to meet (and keep) women can literally be taught to anyone.

Use the right words, and listen to her's : One of the most important things with meeting women, and keeping them, is to be confident. And to create a confident conversation with her.

Once you've made it past the hard part of initiating that first conversation, you have to continue that same degree of confidence all the way through the first date (and beyond). You must be able to create lead in the conversation, while at the same time ensuring that you're listening to her. Of course she'll not want to participate in a conversation where you're doing all the talking, so be sure to stay balanced, allowing her to speak frequently as well. Mind you, that dates are simply for the purpose of getting to know one another ? something that cannot be done if you're the only one talking.

The art of talking to a woman involves knowing how to lead the conversation so that you are not merely reacting to things she says, hoping to come up with a funny quip every now and then. You should know the right questions to ask ? questions she'll likely answer and questions that tell her you are genuinely and sincerely interested in her. By knowing how to lead the conversation, you will also have the chance to lead it where you want to be. This will also tell her that you are actually listening to her and not just waiting for her to stop talking so you two can go back to your place.

The art of touch : Touch is imperative to conversation. If used properly, touch can be a powerful tool, and can literally startle a woman (in a good way). The important thing, however, is to know when and how to do it. This, of course, means that you shouldn't do it when not appropriate, and for an inappropriate reason.

Touching, in this case, does not necessarily mean laying an arm across her shoulders. Touching women can actually refer to standing close to them at the right moment or talking into her ear when the music is loud, taking care to give the slightest touch on her arm or her hair. This can get a woman really excited.

Other things that could fall under the 'touch' category could include leading her to your car, and opening the door for her. This type of thing can really leave her wondering what you're planning next.

Using words and actions on a date or when you meet someone new is not rocket science. If you do it correctly and at the right moment, not only will you attract the women you meet. You will also feel more confident about your words and your moves, and ultimately, your personality.

About the Author:
Bruce Min is a former-pickup artist who has found MORE success with women by discovering a new method to picking up women

. Bruce Min teaches the importance of creating your OWN style to have success with women at http://www.AlphaWithin.com
